Hampers & Boxes

We have three amazing collections to share with you here! Our Gift Hampers are full to the brim with products from our own Edwards Collection, alongside our favourites that we always have on our the shelves of our providore and a few extra gourmet treats to surprise and delight. There's one for everyone, the best Gift Hampers in Bendigo.

Our Produce Boxes are packed with beautiful seasonal fruit and veg so you'll always have a great selection on hand at home ready to graze or cook from. Imagine all those good vitamins and minerals the family is getting without you having to hit the shop and choose what's best this time of year!

Our Ready Made Boxes are bundles of things like take home meals, produce and sweet treats designed to tick all the boxes for busy families who might not have had time to shop this week. They're popular for all occasions..."welcome home baby" + "welcome to Bendigo" + "we hear you're under the weather" + "life is busy, stock my fridge please!" etc. And who can say no to sweet an savoury cheese boxes...or ready to assemble antipasto platters?!